Statistical Proof of Left-Wing Media Bias: The Case of Pvt. Long

I am the “opinion” girl, and my husband is the “numbers” guy, it always has been and always will be.  So I was not surprised when my husband emailed his statistical analysis of the Left-Wing media bias.  He has laid out a great case and I find it hard to believe that even those most staunch left-wingers would be able to argue with his findings.  His article and data are below:

I am not a blogger, I don’t sit around and write articles about politics and other current events, as I leave that to my wife.  I have a family that consist of a wife and four children, I work, I pay my bills, I go to church and I spend as much time with my family as possible, and I AM A UNITED STATES VETERAN!  However, I do take the time to pay close attention to the news, on a daily basis, both thru radio and TV.  I watch and listen to all the news outlets such as NBC, CNN, Fox and various radio stations.  I do my best to keep an open mind about what is being reported, and do my best to form an accurate opinion about what is going on.

For awhile, I have heard a lot about media bias.  If you pay attention, you cannot escape hearing about it.  However, in the past, it may have been difficult to tell who is being biased and in what regard.  It used to be somewhat of a challenge to be able to tell who is telling the truth and who is putting their own “spin” on any given situation.  In addition, it has been difficult to tell who is just “overlooking” issues that will go against their biased agenda.

Today, we no longer live in a society in which media bias is difficult to detect.  The past election was the most telling, and the recent reporting of Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad and James Von Brunn will put an end to the debate.

Never heard of Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad?  Well, that is not surprising.  Unless you have been listening to or reading articles from Fox News, then the name is probably foreign to you.

Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad is the Muslin convert who shot and killed Pvt. William Long, 24, of Conway, Arkansas.    He said in a telephone interview that he did not consider killing Pvt. Long murder because “U.S. military action in the Middle East made the killing justified.”  As ludicrous as that sounds, keep in mind that Pvt. Long was never in the Middle East.

Enter James Von Brunn who has been described as “the man responsible for the death of an African American…”  While this is completely true, I have yet to find a source in the Main Stream Media (MSM) that states Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad as anything related to “a man who killed a White American”.  To take it further, the MSM has been jumping all over this as being connected to “Right-Wing Extremists”.  Have you heard anyone at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, or ABC connecting Abdul Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad to “Left-Wing Extremists”, or any group for that matter?  Probably not.  It is blatantly obvious that if they cannot tie despicable acts, as both of these are, to right-wingers, they pretty much let them fly under the radar.

Depending on your views, you might be thinking that this is just one person’s opinion, no hard statistical data to prove this.  Fine, if statistical data is what you want, then that is what you will get.

Today, June 11, 2009, around 12:00 pm, I decided to put my theory to test.  I decided to conduct an experiment using Google, to see if I could validate my suspicions.  I did an individual search with each man’s name, and each time I tied in a different news outlet in the search engine to see the number of hits it would generate.  For example, I conducted a Google search for “James Von Brunn CNN”, then I did one for “Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad CNN”.  I did the same for MSNBC, NBC, NBC News, ABC, ABC News, CBS, and CBS News.  The results were shocking.  When you look at this, keep in mind that the Arkansas shooting has been running for about 9 days more than the National Holocaust Museum shooting has.



The numbers do not lie.  These were taken directly from the results section when conducting a search in Google’s search engine.  This was completed on the same day, within a 2 minute time span.

To break it down, on a daily basis, the MSM (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS) generated 203,970 hits for James Von Brunn and only 42,270 hits for Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, despite having a 9 day lead.  As a result, James Von Brunn had an average hit per day of 101,985 while Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad had an average hit per day of 3842.  It boils down to an average daily hit ratio of 27 to 1, based on the number of days since the incidents had occurred.  On a daily basis, James Von Brunn received 27 more times the coverage that Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad.  While CNN was the least biased of the four, NBC lead the pack by covering James Von Brunn 35 more times on a daily average than Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad.  INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

The question you must be asking yourself is…WHY?  Why has James Von Brunn had so much more coverage than Abdul Muhammad?  They both committed despicable acts, they both acted on their own accord, they both had a history of violence (by the way, Abdul Muhammad had already been investigated by the FBI, but you won’t find the MSM reporting that).  The differences are, one is white and one is black, one is a converted Muslim and one a white-supremacist, one hated Jews and one hated American servicemen.

The reason is simple.  James Von Brunn’s motives SEEM to push the left-wing agenda.  The MSM have over and over claimed him to be a right-wing extremist.  They see his actions as ammo to use against the right and in particular conservative talk show radio.  But they are wrong.  As Rush pointed out on June 11, 2009, many of James Von Brunn’s ideology adheres to the left, not the far right ideologies.  In addition, it turns out FBI agents found that James Von Brunn was carrying the address of the conservative magazine “Weekly Standard” on him at the time of the shooting.  Politico writer Ben Smith wrote that James Von Brunn may have been planning on attacking “The Weekly Standard”, and that “Von Brunn’s published rants included attacks on “neocons,” and the Standard has been at the heart of the neoconservative movement”.    If this turns out to be true, this should surely back-fire on the MSM, and it will be interesting to see how they spin it, or bury it in their usual manner.

The logical reason for the lack of Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad ‘s coverage by the MSM is because it would severally tarnish the left’s agenda.  Democrats, in particular Nancy Pelosi, have been pushing for the release of pictures of Gitmo detainees.  The Republicans have overwhelmingly supported NOT publishing the photos as it would fuel violence against American soldiers.  Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad ‘s statement regarding his reasoning for killing Pvt. Long, would certainly give credence to the Republican stance.  Not to mention, it would go against everything that President Obama’s Middle East tour was based on.

In conclusion, left-wing supporters can try and debunk my reasoning for the reporting bias that is the subject of this article.  What they cannot deny is its accuracy.  Again, the numbers do not lie and it is hard to justify a 27 to 1 ratio, no matter how they try to spin it.

Chet Nichols
USAF 92-97